
  • 3D decoupage art classes

    3D decoupage art classes

    With 3D decoupage, u will further develop ur already natural creative talent, build confidence & at the same time have some fun.

    Hits 2192 / Link Bid ($)

    3D decoupage art classes are being offered in Pretoria and Johannesburg to banish the boredom for anyone, adults, teenages and kids 13 upwards. With 3D decoupage, u will further develop ur already natural creative talent, build confidence & at the same time have some fun. Price: R600-00 which includes a 3D decoupage start up kit worth R400-00, a picture of ur choice (10 pictures to choose from) & lessons. (Prices are subject to change without prior notice) Bookings are essential - reserve your seatt
  • Madrasah Fatimah Tuz Zahra

    Madrasah Fatimah Tuz Zahra

    Private madrasah in lenasia

    Hits 1273 / Link Bid ($)

    We strive for our kids to walk in the footsteps of Nabi (S.A.W)
  • little tots of the vally playschool

    little tots of the vally playschool

    little tots of the Valley playschool

    Hits 1133 / Link Bid ($)

    Little Tots of The vally Playschool a school with a difference
  • Accelerated Learning Academy

    Accelerated Learning Academy

    Study Skills, Study Techniques, Focus & Concentration, Better Grades, Accelerated Learning

    Hits 1135 / Link Bid ($)

    Want to Improve Study Performance? Every learner or student wants to perform at their best Proven System Now Used by - Over 15 000 students - Dept. of Education (frm grade 3 to 12) - University of KZN Accelerated Learning Academy 16 week Study skills programme from primary school all the way to college and university. We all know how difficult it is for most to study and that’s because we don’t know the right methods and techniques of “How to” Learn & Study. Accelerated Learning Academy helps you with simple step by step practical techniques and strategies. Learning made SIMPLER, FASTER & SMARTER. For an affordable R400 per month you get 4 sessions (1 hour each)& bonuses Learn the ability to master any information in just 1hr weekly every Saturday - 11:30 to 12:30 At Asherville Library (Dbn) Starts 25t January 2014 Can’t get to me in Durban? No stress! Catch me live on webinar with an interactive session for your benefit, convenience and comfort in your home!!! Internet Access required. For further info or to book your place now, contact: JUNAID BAYAT CELL : 0837869657 BBM PIN : 2205A525 Email : coach@gtecoaching.co.za watch video of academy program on www.accelerated-learning.co.za/academy Plz forward to family & frends with kidz
  • Maluda's Montessori in Marlboro

    Maluda’s Montessori in Marlboro

    Montessori preschool based in Marlboro

    Hits 1300 / Link Bid ($)

  • Qur'aan and Tajweed classes

    Qur’aan and Tajweed classes

    ‘Uthmaan may Allaah be pleased with him said that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) said: “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to others.” [Al-Bukhaari]

    Hits 1212 / Link Bid ($)

    Qur'aan and Tajweed classes for women of all ages. In Crosby, Johannesburg. Individual and group classes can be arranged.
  • Titans - Art of Self Defence

    Titans – Art of Self Defence

    Train Hard, Train Fast, Train Smart!

    Hits 1391 / Link Bid ($)

    You've seen it in movies: A girl walks through an isolated parking garage. Suddenly, an evil-looking guy jumps out from behind an black car. Girl hits the bad guy in the eyes with her keys — or maybe she kicks him in a certain sensitive place. Either way, while he's squirming, she leaps into her car and speeds to safety. That's the movies. Here's the real-life action replay: When the girl goes to punch or kick the guy, he knows what's coming and grabs her arm (or leg), pulling her off balance. Enraged by her attempt to fight back, he flips her onto the ground. Now she's in a bad place to defend herself — and she can't run away. Many people think of self-defence as a karate kick to the groin or jab in the eyes of an attacker. But self-defence actually means doing everything possible to avoid fighting someone who threatens or attacks you. Self-defence is all about using your smarts (Street Smart) — not your fists. A good self-defence class can teach you how to size up a situation and decide what you should do. Self-defence classes can also teach special techniques for breaking an attacker's grasp and other things you can do to get away.
  • Cherish Cakes Cupcakes and  Workshops

    Cherish Cakes Cupcakes and Workshops

    Cake & Cupcake and Decorating Workshops

    Hits 2090 / Link Bid ($)

    Take part in one of our decorating workshops or book out a class for a morning of fun with your girlfriends where the workshop can come to you! Max 5 people per class. Hostess gets R180 off workshop price!
  • PC BUGZ Computer Tuition

    PC BUGZ Computer Tuition

    PC BUGZ Computer Tuition - Computers (ladies and children).

    Hits 1424 / Link Bid ($)

    PC BUGZ was inspired to fill a much needed gap in the provision of computer training for moms and beginners alike. We have a passionate belief that you are never too young or too old to learn. Learning to use computers can open up a whole new world to students. We reinforce the skills that have been taught at school. • Basic to advanced • Moms and kiddies • Passionate tutoring • Learning made easy
  • Muslimah Aupairs

    Muslimah Aupairs


    Hits 3161 / Link Bid ($)

    WE are looking for Au Pairs in the Malboro, Houghton and Northcliff area. Great way to earn a substantial income. URGENT families are desperate. muslimahaupairs@gmail.com